Welcome to Wondering Okie Homestead School – where curiosity reigns, and we're forever seeking knowledge in the heart of an Oklahoma homestead

Welcome to Wondering Okie Homestead School – where curiosity reigns, and we're forever seeking knowledge in the heart of an Oklahoma homestead

Welcome to the wild homeschooling journey with Wondering Okie Homestead School! Picture this: a magical blend of homestead adventures, nature escapades, and literature galore. We're breaking free from the school system to give our kids a tailor-made education. Who would've thought that after my Navy days, nursing studies, and juggling a gazillion tasks, I'd end up as a home-educator (and a farmer, baker, homesteader, you name it)! The transition from my past life to this homesteading chapter is a full-blown saga – stay tuned for more in upcoming blogs!

But how did we decide on homeschooling? And why did we pick Charlotte Mason out of all the teaching methods?

Flashback to 2019, when my first homeschooling buddy opened my eyes to the wonders of home education. I was mesmerized by her loving approach to teaching, the idea of infusing learning into everyday life, and not just confining it to a desk. Field trips, passion projects, and loads of playtime were the norm – and let's not forget the power of play! Public school couldn't hold a candle to the life lessons learned through play and imagination. I've seen my daughter return from school drained, craving downtime and barely able to squeeze in a bit of play. The beauty of homeschooling? It's not an 8-hour marathon. Many days can wrap up in just 2 hours or less for elementary school kids! So, what's on our agenda with all this extra time? Wiggle breaks, snacks galore, nature walks, animal tending, swimming sessions, art projects, toy building marathons, and basking in the great outdoors. It's a life of living, for all of us.

And what's the deal with "Homestead School"?

Welcome to Wondering Okie Homestead School– where curiosity reigns, and we're forever seeking knowledge in the heart of an Oklahoma homestead. Our farm is a bustling hub of veggies, fruits, poultry, rabbits, and dreams of expansion. Self-sufficiency, food preservation, cooking from scratch, and nature bonding are our jam. Oh, and guess what? We're not stopping at homeschooling; we're gearing up to offer homesteading classes for both big and small folks in our community. It's a whirlwind of adventures, challenges, victories, and then some – and I can't wait to share it all with you on this blog!


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